Week 5 - Monday 22nd October 2012

This week we began warming up by walking around the studio, different situations were called out and we were to react to these by changing the way in which we walked, the situations were all related to weather (Windy, Raining, Hot, Snowing). We focused on how different parts of the body would move, particularly the feet and knees, as well as the hands and arms. After this, we continued with the patterns of total body connectivity, but this week we did these whilst lying on the floor, which made it possible to focus on the body a lot more, especially the head and tail bone (which are often restricted whilst standing). By working from the floor, it also placed a greater emphasis on the moment when our bodies were stretched out to the maximum as more of the body lost contact with the floor. In pairs, we then worked on the Makko-Ho stretches, in pairs we were able to perform the stretch and then push each other to stretch slightly further, which was good as I often thought I had reached my limit but was able to go a bit further, which is important whilst stretching.

We then stayed in our pairs, and one of the two got into a basic table position, the other person then sat on the 'table' so that they were able to lift all parts of their body off the gorund and be completely supported by the other. This was worked upon in stages so that eventually the two people were in the table position side by side, one would then lift slightly higher and transfer their weight onto the others back so that both backs were connected as much as possible. After this, we then began to experiment with a variety of positions all based around the table, as well as incorporating the idea of dismounting the table safely and smoothly, which was followed directly by the swapping of roles to form a continuous cycle. I thought this was a very physical part of the course and, when it worked, it really felt like something which could be used in a performance to show a relationship between two people. However, when it didn't work, it looked very messy and would therefore require a lot of practise before being used in front of an audience.

Finally, I was asked to lay down on the floor with my eyes closed, and then to imagine the place where I had stayed for fifteen minutes (the bus station) from the previous week. Questions were then asked about the place I had been in;
What weather do you associate this place with? - A very light drizzle.
What food do you think this place would be? - Cold pasta.
Which animal best describes the place you were? - A koala bear.
What colour do you imagine this place would be? - Grey.
As well as this, we were asked to remember as much as we could about the place, what we felt, what we saw and what we could hear, and then to write this down quickly within two or three minutes.

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