Week 9 - Monday 19th November 2012

We began by completing the Makko-Ho stretches and patterns of total body connectivity.

This was swiflty followed by getting into pairs and keeping in contact with one another, we were asked to find different ways to move from a standing position to a sitting one, and then to complete the opposite. I found this exercise particularly difficult as I struggled to think of unique and different ways to complete the exercise, myself and my partner did however try to complete the most basic idea of connecting our backs to the best of our ability.

We then stayed with these partners and focused on the idea of keeping contact between two performers at all times, however this time we had one of the people remaining still whilst the other allowed most of their weight to be supported. We started the exercise by maintaining a longer pause between positions, and then developed this idea further which led to the pause between positions being very brief and almost a constant motion between the two performers. I found this part of the session a lot easier as my confidence grew in my abilities and I was comfortable to try new ideas.

In these same pairs, we then completed an exercise which involved each pair starting together at one side of the studio, we were instructed to remain in contact at all times once again, and that we were to move from that side of the studio to the other. Because of the exercise which preceded this one, I found it quite easy to do this, my confidence had built enourmously within myself and with my partner and I found it interesting to see how two performers can move through the space as one.

Finally, we performed our improvised scenes to the rest of the group and they wrote feedback with relation to what is being looked for within the assessment criteria. We were asked to try it again with some music which included some street noises such as cars and wind. The addition of music made a lot of the movements feel more natural and appropriate and because of the variety of volume and tempo, I could feel an instant impact on the decisions I made in relation to how I moved through the space.

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