This week we warmed up as usual, after doing some of the same warm-ups as last week, we worked on the idea of yielding and pushing once again, focusing a lot on the upper-lower connection whilst doing this. We also did a lot of work on our pelvis and moving our bodies from side to side on the floor. My body was a bit slow to warm up today, a lot of the movements were hard to complete because of this. Once we got into the partner work I felt ok about my body and its ability to move, I feel this is because my partner was relying on me to be aware of my own body in order to work together.
The partner worked involved a lot of weight giving and taking, keeping our backs in contact at all times, and slowly led into the kind of contact we will be doing in the assessment. Starting off with a little bit of contact and weight sharing was good, it showed me the different ways we can choose to perform in the assessment and which will be most effective as part of a performance. Its always good to get some extra practise in with my partner as well.
After this, Liz opened up a space in the centre of the room where people could enter and exit at any time they wished. The rules for the improvisation were that there was to be moments where you either stood, sat, or lay in a still position. In between these moments, people could move through the space in any way they liked. Throughout the exercise, there were some great moments of dialogue between people using only their bodies and these would often include more than two or three people. Towards the end of the exercise people started to become a lot more inventive with their movements. It was good to see the different patterns being used by people to move.
We then ran through the entire assessment without stopping, this was a great experience as the assessment is only one week away. I felt quite confident all the way through the performance that I was performing to the best of my abilities and that my entire movement knowledge was being displayed. I am looking forward to next week!
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